WHMCS:ADDON:Configurable Options

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Configurable Options [OPTIONAL]

You can add the Configurable Options as per your requirements or exclude one or more of the options below if you do not need it.
NOTE : The order of preference for selection of Configurable Options is first i.e. If a Product/Service has (lets say) Ram defined as 512 MB and you have also created a Configurable Option with variable RAM options, then the users chosen Ram value from configurable options will be used and not the ram value in Product/Service.
Following are the Configurable Options available in VMPanel WHMCS module.
CPU Cores
Virtual Network Interface Type
Operating System
OS Re-Install Limit
Resource Pool

To add, go to WHMCS Admin Panel -> Setup -> Products/Services -> Configurable Options. Then click on Create a new Group

Conf op1.jpeg

Now, click on the Add New Configurable Option button. A new window will open.

Add a configurable option for Server
(It will be add "ID_Name"
ID = Server ID in VMPanel
Name = Name in VMPanel
that separated with "_" Underline ) as below:

Conf op2.jpeg

Add a configurable option for Space (It will be in GIGABYTES e.g 10 = 10GB) as below:

Conf op3.gif

Add a configurable option for RAM (It will be in MEGABYTES e.g. 512 = 512MB) as below:

Conf op4.gif

Add a configurable option for Bandwidth (It will be in GIGABYTES e.g. 10 = 10GB) as below:

Conf op5.gif

CPU Cores
Add a configurable option for CPU Cores as below:

Conf op6.gif

Operating System
Add a configurable option for Operating System as below:

Conf op7.png

Virtual Network Interface Type
Similarly, add a configurable option for the Virtual Network Interface Type as below:

Conf op8.jpeg

Similarly, add a configurable option for the Datastore as below :

Conf op10.jpeg

OS Re-Install Limit
Similarly, add a configurable option for the OS Re-Install Limit as below ( 0 = Unlimited ):

Conf op9.jpeg

Resource Pool
Similarly, add a configurable option for the Resource Pool as below ( Resource Pool name ):

Conf op11.jpeg